Friday, February 19, 2010


It's a warm soul sharing
Saying it doesn't matter
What happened in the past
Or what's happening in the future
Or even what's going on right now
All that matters is you and me
Right here, right now
That's all that's left
I forgive you for everything
I'm sorry for anything I've done
I care so deeply for you
And I want you to know that
I love you.
That is a hug.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I can't help but wonder
As I lie upon my bed
Late at night when all is quiet
And the only sound is the
Gentle tapping of the rain
On the window pane
How a person who meant so much
Who you talked to every day
Who was the most beautiful girl in the world
Who was your dearest friend
Who you deeply loved and cared for
Can simply not exist any longer
And when the winds pick up
And the lightning crashes, once, far away
I think of the distance you put between us
Of the pain I felt for so long from awayness
And my current sense of indifference
A feeling I waited for, to stop the pain
But am not sure how to handle now
I wonder how you feel
And when the thunder softly sounds
The rain comes down harder
Maybe you think of me
Maybe you feel the pain too
Just when you think it is quiet
You see lightning just outside the window
So close and the thunder shakes your home
Perhaps you care about me
And feel sorrow when you hear my name
When your friends mention me
When you see me, or things that I gave you
When your sister talks of me
Or maybe you have no feeling
And have done what I am doing now
Blocking out the sad, loneliness
In the process, also the good
But something must block the pain
You must stop caring
The storm reaches the climax
Lightning so close, nearly touchable
That just disappears with no trace
Like the hopes of you and me again
The storm quiets, ending
Just as we must do
But the next storm
I just can't help but wonder

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


someone is crying
always at night
every night
somewhere in the world
is crying
helplessness has led them to tears
no one listens
no one cares
because if someone did
they wouldn’t be crying

Rainbows Are Overwhelming Joy (an acrostic)

Rain comes
And we
Intently look at the sky
Needing to see something that
Brings hope to our lives
Opens our hearts and
Weakens our stubbornness that we may
Sing and show compassion
All that we have kept inside
Revealing who we really are to
Everyone in the world
Opens our minds to the
Vast knowledge that comes when
Everybody learns to
Relax and
Watch the sky so they may
Help others because when
Is accomplished in
Not as much time as before
Giving us the ability to
Jump and reach the unknown
Only if we all would look not just
You and me

No More

Dearest love
Hidden secret
No more shall I suffer
No more shall I be victim
To the cruelty
That comes from being me
Who I am
How I live
The torture I
From the inside
My innermost being
From myself
No one to blame but myself
No one’s fault but my own
How does this happen
That I should be this way
In any case
It shall not exist
I can’t stand it
No more shall I suffer
No more!


No one can worry
All the time
As the birds
In the sky
There has to come
A time
Where it stops
It must
But where
Shall we be
When the time comes
Shall we be listening
When worrying seizes to exist
Or shall we instead
Be so wrapped up in our troubles
That we forget to listen
And wonder throughout eternity
Doing the one thing
That was so important
That we forgot to listen


Nearly all things have an introduction, so why would this be an exception to that rule? Besides, I think it may need a bit of an intro. I will post some of my best poetry on this lovely blog (perhaps you knew that by the title). And maybe some of my worst too. Maybe some of my friend's too (if they give me permission, and if they ever bothered to write any, wouldn't hold my breath for that...). And anyone that wishes to comment may (well, I'm not sure how blog rules are for that, but if you want to comment, feel free to figure out how). And...that is probably enough of an intro. Enjoy!